3849 E Broadway Blvd , #155, Tucson AZ 85716

Holistic Treatment for Seasonal Allergies in Catalina, AZ

holistic treatment for seasonal allergies in Catalina, AZ

If you are one of the 50 million allergy sufferers in the United States, the spring and fall seasons can be overwhelming to your immune system. Your immune system perceives seasonal irritants such as pollen, mold and ragweed as allergens and invaders, and triggers an immune response, accounting for the many symptoms allergy sufferers report. These seasonal irritants are often the hardest to control because the source of the allergen is so widespread.

Traditional seasonal allergy treatment, through the use of antihistamines, decongestants or steroids, focus on blocking common symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes, from occurring. These treatments bring only temporary relief—that is, when traditional treatment stops, allergy symptoms begin to manifest again—and are associated with many troubling side effects like extreme drowsiness. Alternatively, holistic treatment for seasonal allergies focuses on stabilizing your immune system to prevent allergies from ever occurring. These natural treatments can bring about sustained, year-round relief.

To schedule a consultation with a healthcare provider in Catalina that specializes in holistic treatments for seasonal allergies, call (520) 504-1500 or contact Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer online.

Seasonal Allergies & Immune System Function

From a holistic perspective, adrenal, hormonal, gut and immunity disorders are at the root of most allergic responses which trigger a breakdown in the ability of your immune system to distinguish between safe and non-safe stimulants.

Allergies are basically a group of diseases mediated through activated mast cells and basophils in sensitive individuals. When your mast cells are activated by a particular allergen, it is called mast cell activation and there is a massive release of histamines which are the root cause your allergy symptoms. Traditional allergy treatment usually involves medications like antihistamines and decongestants, while antibiotics, pain relievers and steroids are sometimes necessary. Antihistamines can block the histamine-production that occurs as part of your allergic response, but antihistamines do not control or eliminate this process.

There are, however, alternative treatments available when traditional treatments have failed to address the root cause of your seasonal allergies. Natural treatments focus on stabilizing the mast cell to prevent mast cell activation and histamine release at the outset, with little or no side effects.

Seasonal Allergy Testing

It is important to know what drives your allergies in order to effectively manage your response when exposed to an allergen. Every healthcare provider—holistic or traditional—will tell you the simplest cure for your allergy is, if possible, to know what you are allergic to and to avoid your allergen. Treatment for seasonal allergies becomes necessary if your allergen cannot be avoided. That may mean putting in an artificial tree for Christmas this year. Perhaps it will involve monitoring pollen and mold counts and keeping your windows and doors closed on bad days.

Your healthcare provider can offer you help to isolate the source of your allergies—through skin tests or special elimination diets, for example. Allergies vary by case, and your allergy may be very specific, or a number of allergies may be contributing to your specific response. This is why documenting a runny nose and any pertinent details, such as the setting in which symptoms occur, is important. Discussing these details with your healthcare provider can help him or her to paint an adequate picture and determine potential allergens.

Holistic Cures for Seasonal Allergies

A wide range of substances—ranging from apple cider vinegar to dietary supplements—have advocates who swear by their value in minimizing seasonal allergies. Some are taken by mouth, some use steam vapor or a neti pot, and some are administered as drops into the nose.

Below are some of the most commonly recommended holistic cures for seasonal allergies, but it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider before attempting any of these natural remedies yourself. Many of the substances require extreme dilution, some are to be rubbed on the skin, some are to be ingested and some are inhaled through steam.

  • Dietary supplements — Products containing quercetin, bromelain, turmeric, vitamin C and grapefruit seed extract as well as a daily probiotic and multivitamin
  • Homeopathy — Allium cepa, euphrasia, natrum muriaticum, nux vomica and wyethia
  • At-Home Allergy Remedies — Apple cider vinegar and neti pot with saline solution
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) — Acupuncture and herbal medicine such as stinging nettles and milk thistle
  • Nutrition — GAPs or other anti-allergy diet, incorporating foods like cayenne pepper, garlic and horseradish to provide powerful drainage of excess mucus and the avoidance of dairy products

Natural cures for seasonal allergies can involve lifestyle changes, including:

  • Increased water consumption
  • Regular physical activity to improve overall health and immunity (especially vigorous exercise is thought to relieve nasal congestion)
  • Allergy-proofing your home to remove pet dander, dust, pollen and other common allergens
  • Regular maintenance of air conditioner or cleaning filters regularly
  • A humidifier in winter to prevent dry nasal passages and a dehumidifier in summer to reduce moisture and mold-growth
  • Avoidance of cigarette smoke, mold and harsh chemicals

These alternative seasonal allergies recommendations will ultimately provide you with similar comfort that traditional treatments provide without the unwanted side effects. Working with a holistic healthcare provider to address the underlying cause of seasonal allergies—like an overactive or compromised immune system—will provide you with optimal relief of your seasonal allergy symptoms.

There's an integrative healthcare provider in Catalina that can provide you natural allergy treatment. Call (520) 504-1500 or contact Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer online.

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Infusion Health


3849 E Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 504-1500

Areas We Service:

Pima County, AZ, Casas Adobes, AZ, Catalina Foothills, AZ, Oro Valley, AZ, Bisbee, AZ, Sierra Vista, AZ, Catalina, AZ, Marana, AZ, Sahuarita, AZ, Vail, AZ, Casa Grande, AZ, Oracle, AZ, Tubac, AZ, Davis Monthan AFB, AZ